I’ll just be straight up. It’s really annoying to shave down there and it’s like a cactus in between your legs for the next week. Does anybody know how to really get rid of it?

  1. Laser treatment works but be prepared for a few follow-up visits if you really want **all** the hair gone. My partner had it done and it’s like 95% just.. gone, with the occasional straggler hair remaining.

    She’s talked about going back to “fix” the last few %, but has not yet. At this point it’s extremely easy to touch up with a razor.

  2. Laser hair is the most permanent option, but you still have to follow up every so often to maintain it.

    Waxing is another great option, kinda painful.

  3. Ya know how big eyebrows are in now and a lot of women regret destroying theirs with plucking or laser years ago?

    Bush is coming back.

  4. Nair once a month, being careful about where it goes…. vaseline on the slit where you get wet…. carefully removing it after the prescribed time. TEST IT FIRST with a little dab on your skin to make sure it doesn’t scar you. It WILL burn in my experience.

    Do this once a month about 3 or 4 times and IN MY EXPERIENCE – very little left.

    And no cactus bs in between ….

    Just be careful. The stuff is actually lye as I understand it., Think b4 you apply in sensitive places.

    But it did work for me.

  5. Consider just trimming. Shaving causes a lot of skin irritation. There are also health benefits to pubic hair. It’s there for a reason. You can use an electric razor to easily trim to a specific length, if you wish.

  6. Electrolysis is permanent. Laser isn’t, and doesn’t work very well (or at all) with lighter hair. Laser hair removal can also give you heat stroke.

  7. Even laser removal isn’t permanent.

    I would vote to wax
    I love wax
    Ingrowns are less likely
    And the more you wax the thinner the hair gets over time

  8. I wax monthly and find the results to be quite satisfactory with thinning of the hairs over time. You’ll get used to the initial discomfort very quickly. I’m contemplating lasering as a more semi permanent option in near future.

    Both definitely more preferable to shaving and I share the same feeling about previous prickly experiences with shaving.

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