When was the moment you knew you fu**ed up?

  1. Was riding in a bicycle race and the second I felt that front wheel wobbling I knew I’d be kissing pavement.

  2. Context: I was doing a solo road trip while my (now ex, for reasons that are about to become obvious) girlfriend was out of town visiting her family.

    I spent a whole day hanging out with an attractive, flirtatious girl I met in a little seaside town on the coast, telling myself the whole time I was just spending some strictly-platonic time with a strictly-platonic new friend. She took me around to see some sights, and we had a few drinks. It was fun.

    Then, when she asked if she could come back to my hotel room to charge her phone before driving home, I was dumb enough to believe that’s all she wanted. My brain was in deep, deep denial about what my penis was secretly scheming.

    I ultimately resisted temptation, but… it became pretty obvious pretty fast once she was in my hotel room that I seriously fucked up. And it still cost me my relationship. I’m still proud to say I’ve never cheated in my life, but I’m ashamed of how close I came that night.

  3. When the people around me became silent as I was making comments about an old boss at an old job. Said boss was behind me. I owned it, and correspondingly had a trip to HR.

  4. Had to tell my parents I couldn’t pay rent because I spent most of my money on eating out and the strip club

  5. ‘Hey, mate…we followed a hose in, right?’


    ‘Well where the fuck is it?’


    Yeah, don’t just rely on your mate to know where he’s going inside a building that’s burning down; heat exhaustion is a bastard. Stay switched on.

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