So this all started last year, I (21) met a girl (20) in one of my college classes and we hit it off instantly and we started dating a week later. We spent most of our time with each other. Anyway, she had never had a boyfriend before me and she was as much into me as I was into her. Things were going great so her parents wanted to meet me and I wanted to meet them too. I’ve been in multiple relationships and I had never had an issue with parents liking me. Ive even had parents try and convince their daughter to date me. On the day I met them things started off good but her Mom seemed really passive aggressive towards me.

At the time my gf was living on campus of the college but her family lived in the town of the college we went to. After a couple months go by my gf was starting to have issues with her roommates so she moved back home. A week later my gf tells me her mom tells her she is not home with the family enough that spending most of her time with me was unhealthy. I didn’t think too much of this at the time.

Fast forward to Christmas break, we had planned for her to come with me and my family for vacation and then spend Christmas Day with hers. This was approved by her father and her mother. The week before we were supposed to leave her mother tells me I’m not allowed to join their Christmas. Then the day we were supposed to leave my gf says she isn’t feeling well which I assume is just nerves because she was already nervous about traveling so I told her we could just leave on a later day. Then her mom told her she shouldn’t go even though she was feeling better.

I’ll admit I was upset because my family had paid for her plan tickets and we rearranged our entire plans so she could come. She ended up not coming but before she could tell she wasn’t coming I over heard her mom say to my gf “didn’t I tell you to block him” which she didn’t but we did take a small break before getting back together because we thought we were each other’s soul mates so I gave her a promise ring.

After that her mom banned me from their house and her mom would insult her for dating me. She was so broken over this she asked me to break up with her because she loved me too much to do it. I told her that she needed to stand up for herself but her mom kept telling her I was being manipulative and toxic. Anyway because I saw how much it was breaking her heart that her mom didn’t like me I broke up with her which I didn’t want to do. After that we kept hanging because we only had each other. Then out of nowhere I get a call from my gf but it was actually her mom. She tells me stop talking to her daughter and then starts insulting me and says if I don’t she will pursue legal action. Then she blocks me .

Now I am all alone because my now ex won’t speak to me becuase she is scared of her mom.And she was the only friend I had that I actually enjoyed being around. I don’t know what to do I never got to say goodbye and it’s been over two weeks since I last spoke to her. I’m completely heartbroken. What should I do ? Can I do anything or am I just out of luck?

  1. Mom’s a controlling narcissist (she’s upset that your ex is giving anyone other than her attention), and there’s nothing you can do if your ex won’t assert boundaries with her. Mourn the loss and move on.

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