Man. Where do I even begin, first off I am 6’3, lightskin, 22, curly hair, with a pretty solid physique (I’d say a 7/10 physique actively being improved everyday). I have pretty good facial features, and I have been told I am attractive by multiple women in my life. I have experience with women (slept with over 20+) who are all attractive. I have had women fight over me at previous establishments like school/work (last job had a surplus of women around). Now I have moved jobs, and I honestly have zero options at all to progress with. Its starting to hurt me mentally and spiritually, I have approached many women and am able to get their numbers, but then they will proceed to barely respond or not respond at all. I do struggle mentally with my own insecurities and always compare/look down on myself when compared to other men, and I know that I do show a little bit of insecurity when I talk or when I’m getting numbers (until I’m comfortable with the person).

I can’t seem to find anyone anywhere, I suck at taking pictures and am not photogenic at all, so Instagram/Tinder is really not an option for me until I feel I have achieved that point of 9/10 physique + have someone to take pictures of me (which is not an option). I have tried Tinder, and get about 5-10 likes a day, if that. None of these people I am attracted to, and the ones I am are obviously getting 100s of messages from other people.

Like I said I approach women, can get their number but am not able to even get them to give me a chance on a date. I have gotten 5-10 snapchats/numbers in last two weeks, and not one of them even bothered to message me back and if they do they show no interest DESPITE showing interest that made me approach them/get their number. What am I doing wrong here? What can I do to improve my situation, it makes me depressed and have self-doubt, especially when I see other men my age or younger with a surplus. I’m in college but have mostly been doing online, I’m literally going back to in-person classes next semester to try and meet more people.

I also am really trying to focus on myself and improve, but its hard when I have zero source of external confidence ya feel. Like it just makes me feel like why does everyone else get that type of external validation, but I can’t?

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