We met on a dating app, have gone out together four times now, he is the one who has initiated each outing. I really enjoy my time with him, and I think he
does too. But he has not kissed me, or anything like that. Could this still turn into a relationship or should
I just accept that this is just a friendship? Mostly looking for advice from guys, would this ever happen with a girl you like? At this point I feel like
it’s too strange to ask him directly, and I wouldn’t even know how.

  1. Usually i would try to kiss a girl on a first date with whom I only plan to fool around temporarily. But if I was on a date with a girl whom I consider to be my long term partner i would not initiate kiss on the first date just to take things slow and not weird things out. So to answer your question it seems that he likes you he just respects you to not initiate anything sexual without your consent.
    If you want him to kiss you have to give him hints and Really obvious hints because we guys are really dumb when it comes to reading lady hints ik i am. Hope this helps.

  2. Is he shy? Or are you shy? How old are you guys?

    Most people are afraid of rejection and he may not have the experience or confidence to make the first move.

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