okay so today i (14) was at school and me and my
friends were joking around, i had been singing
songs of taylor swift and making silly motions of
when she would sing. when she would do a high
note i would pretend i was singing to my friend
and i didn’t pick up that half of the class was
watching, then my teacher said “that was
embarrassing for all of us to see” and i was
laughing and stuff but my friend brought it up
again saying “do you not have any
embarrassment after that?” and said it seriously.
and now i’m confused, what i thought was the
class having a fun time was just me embarisng
myself but i didn’t feel embarrassed at all.
someone could be irritated with me and i wouldnt
be able to pick up the signs that they’re irritated,
or if someone is flat out ignoring me i wouldnt be
able to pick up signs

  1. I miss these type of cues frequently too but personally, I see it as an overall good thing.

    I have more friends than I can spend time with anyway so if someone wants to be irritated at me, ignore me or find me having fun singing a song as embarrasing myself then I’m happy to filter that drama out of my thoughts.

    I DO eventually find out if someone has a major problem with my personality and I just try and leave them alone out of respect. I’m not everyone’s cup of tea.

  2. No need to feel embarrassed, it was harmless fun.

    Your teacher sounds like a dickhead, though

  3. This hit me hard. Fuck them. Seriously.

    PLEASE don’t take that crap to heart because I absolutely did and it’s so harmful to your poor brain.

    Fake-sing your heart out and live your life the way you want to. Bottling up your personality to suit the people around you doesn’t benefit you in any way. You’ll get used to hiding yourself away and you’ll never find your people who love you for you exactly as you are.

    That comment is just plain bullying, don’t let their negativity get on you, shake it off and just do you.

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