does the frequency of seeing someone affect feelings of intimacy?

  1. Once every other WEEK? That’s not even dating. Of course I’m more attached if we’re together every day for two weeks. How is this even a question?

  2. Yes, of course it does. Getting to know someone has a huge impact on your feelings towards them and the easiest way to do that is to frequently spend time with them… I really didn’t this was a concept some people didn’t understand.

  3. Being around someone a lot definitely breeds more interest quickly in my experience.

    But I’ve been in relationships where we had plenty of gaps in seeing each other and it all built up intensely just the same. I’d say it’s too varied to assume anything about an individual person.

  4. Yea, increased frequency would definitely help or boost it more. Once every other week would be too sporadic IMO for feelings anymore than casual.

  5. It’s really dependent upon the woman. I recently dated a woman whom I saw every other day and we had a great time. I went away for business for 9 days and didn’t really miss her. It had nothing to do with the frequency in which we met, but rather with who she was as a person and how we got along.

    In contrast, the woman I dated before her was a professional chef who I saw maybe once or twice a week. We spent more time on FaceTime than we did face-to-face. She had an amazing sense of humor and was extremely sarcastic, had a great smile, was very responsible, very passionate, and she was domestically inclined (wanted a home to take care of one day). When I went out of town for a week for work, I went a couple days without FaceTiming her and found myself missing her. I was far more attached to the Chef girl because she checked nearly every box I had. It had nothing to do with the time we spent together, and everything to do with how well we got along and enjoyed each other’s company.

  6. The only reason I would see someone new that often is if I were already getting attached.

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