So I’ve started seeing this guy. I’m 24/F and he’s 26/M.

We have been on 2 dates and talking for about 3 weeks. We are very much on the same page about how we feel towards each other. I honestly believe he is my person. I felt it the first time I seen him.

Anyway I wanted to break the sexual barrier between us as i know we have the emotional and mental connection and a sexual compatibility is honestly equally as important for me in a long term partner. Last night we went on a date. Spent about 7 hours together all up.
At the end of the night we listened to a playlist we made together and made out for like 30 minutes straight lol. I decided to make and move and gave him a BJ. When he finished he looked like he was tearing up and took some breathes then made a joke (it’s an inside joke he says whenever he discovers something that he thinks is incredible about me) saying “hey god it’s me again”

It was funny and broke the ice for us both afterwards.

Is it common for guys to tear up after a BJ? I’ve never experienced it happening!

  1. Firstly, sounds like a great date so congrats! From my own experience I’ve never felt that way, but my one i guess you could say “concern” is whether they were tears of happiness or guilt? How long have you known him and are you 100% sure he’s single ? If so then I think your good to go, just a less common reaction

  2. I’d cry!🤣 Seriously, he is probably emotionally overwhelmed that you are more than his past relationships in every way.

  3. Actually, I read a post on this subject a little while ago! We can sometimes tear up after intimate sexual activities with our partner because of the intense feeling of vulnerability that comes with sexual activity, and so we can be a little fragile afterwards. That’s why aftercare is a big thing for some people, we can feel lonely or neglected in that vulnerable state, even if that isn’t the case. Aftercare helps them to feel connected and cared about in that vulnerable state. Food for thought, might not be the case for you, but thought I’d throw in my two cents! Good luck!

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