My wife and I are both in our early 40’s. We have to boys, the younest of which is a little under 5, and the older is 12. We both work from home, full time. Between th kids, work and the pandemic, we are in a rut.

We are not only in a rut, we’ e reached the point where even if given free time, we no longer *know* how to do fun stuff anymore. So I’m looking for inspiration – what do you do for fun?

  1. Alone: lifting, hobby / DIY projects, shooting guns, sports with other guys (basketball and frisbee mostly), hiking (she likes basic hikes but the strenuous hikes I do with friends)

    With SO: bike riding, ping pong, lowkey sports like volleying a tennis ball or shooting around a basketball, museums, shows / movies, taking our dog on trail walks, beach trips, swimming / hanging by the pool.

    There’s a bunch of other once in a blue moon stuff but the above things are pretty regular

  2. 49m – may not be relatable with the stage of life that my wife (46) are in, no kids at home anymore.
    I have always enjoyed working out: functional weight lifting, running, hiking. Recently started training for a triathlon next spring.
    My wife dose not enjoy working out. She is more into crafts, sewing, and quilting. Together we enjoy traveling, watching tv series together, cooking classes.

  3. I self-learned guitar and keyboard and it has been the best hobby ever. Incredibly relaxing and rewarding. You can also download the BandLab app and record your own music if you want to get really creative.

  4. Cooking, gaming, watch shows, lay in bed cuddling and reading, visit her grandparents farm and help out

  5. Hiking! Its cheap and cheap! And kids LOVE it. Find one with a creek or something cool! National parks. State parks. Plus some breath taking views.

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