I thought they were supposed to be people you could share your life with. Struggles and happiness? I thought it was a partnership where you enjoy each other’s company and agree to support each other? Seems I don’t have the correct idea?

The only long term friendships I have are surface level relationships. Anyone I’ve gotten close to tends to forget about me.

  1. I agree, OP, my ex had this idea of friendship that you never criticize(she included any sort of advice or offer for help as criticism)and no actual emotional or deep conversations. And many of her girlfriends seemed fine with it and I think the majority of other people too. Literally her 6+ year relationship with one of them seemed to be only about 80s movies and music. Meanwhile I talked about way more personal stuff with that girl in the few times we met or chatted… However it seems now after I broke up with my ex that this friend won’t have anything to do with me anymore, since I apparently suck for not just talking about “Top Gun”all the time

  2. They’re someone you can be your most honest self with, and help regulate eachother’s emotions with through genuine conversation. But the catch is, to keep your friend, you have to put more work into the relationship than they do. But it’s worth doing for a real, genuine friendship!

  3. Who else would stab you in the back otherwise? And whoever said to help you move, hubby’s friend asked for $300 for an hr of help, said he would come back the next day to finish up, never did. 10/10 would never ask for any help ever again

  4. I think your friends are toxic and you need to leave them as soon as possible. You should find new friends not everyone is like that. There are quality people in the world you just need to find them and have a good conversations with them.

  5. Some people are surface level. I figured it’s a matter of what people are comfortable of doing for themselves, for others – going deep may be too much for them sometimes, maybe they’re not ready for that, maybe never will, who knows? For me, I learned that I just need to meet people where they are.

  6. You can have close friends that you can share more with and support each other, and you can have more surface level friends as well. Friends are what you put in to them.

  7. We are social creatures, so the fundamental reason is quite selfish; however, a lot of people find some of the most meaningful things in life through friendship

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