I don’t know if I need to break up or not

Me (20F) and my bf (20F) have been friends for 7 years and started dating for 1 years. I love him so much. He is the first and only person who I share all of my family issue, insecurities with. He has met my parents, grandparents, etc and understand deeply what I have suffered. We are neighbours and now study at the same university and far away from home. We live together and take care of each other. He is my family and I would never do anything to hurt him.

However, these day I feel a bit stressed. I got a new job, new opportunity at school, my grandma is sick and I need to be with her, etc. I feel super overwhelmed with the workload and suddenly, I just want to be alone. I want to be single. I do not know why I am feeling this way. But I still love him a lot. I just cannot see him in my future anymore… I feel guilty since he is still taking care of me… Should I tell him? Why am I feeling this way? idk… Sometimes I think that I only care and love him as a friend, a family member but not that kind of romantic. I am unsure about my feelings.

TL;DR: I am going through tough times and want to be single but I do not want to hurt my boyfriend because I am still love him.

  1. You should be honest with him if you feel this way. As we grow up we have to deal with that fact that we change. Things that we thought were priority when we are young, now takes a back seat to life. You are not wrong and you dont have to stop loving him. But you need to do what is right for you at the moment. Give yourself some time to think what you want, but tell him of your feelings.

    I cannot stress this enough as people keep things bottle up and at the end it hurts more. You are still young. Take your time to figure everything out. If it is ment to be, you will have time to adjust. But honesty is key. Good luck

  2. There was a time in my life where I too was going through things and just wanted to be single, despite still loving my s/o. I didn’t see the future, everything felt futile. But I was honest with him and we’re getting engaged next year.

    Whether you decide to stay with him or not, it’s always worth talking it out. We often think we’re alone or have to brave it, but we really don’t. Especially in relationships, it’s best to share how you feel so maybe a solution can be made or a compromise. Maybe you guys can have some time apart instead of breaking up, like see eachother less for a while or something simlar. Whatever the outcome: it’s best to discuss it and see how you feel during that discussion.

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