At the start of our relationship for the first 4 months my boyfriend had been hearting the fb story of a failed talking stage, I addressed him about he said he’d stop. And by himself he unfollowed and unfriended every non-woman on his social media and gave me his passwords as a testimony for his love and commitment to stop putting so much energy in the woman on his social media account.

Maybe a month or 2 ago I found he made a fake bumble with another man’s profile pick and he would tell me what it was for, claimed he made it for a friend. That friend did not back him up whatsoever. I forgave and let go.

Today I discovered on a second IG page he made a while back, that he says “he doesn’t use” he’s followed a girl from my home town and local and some other woman who I’m sure he doesn’t know — as I feel he did it on the account because he thinks I wouldn’t of known.

We are currently nearing a year and he’s done everything for me helped pay my rent, buys me gifts with out asking but he fails to stop following these women and doing these weird things on social media. I don’t want to to let him go, but I feel it’s what I need to do any advice?

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