okay maybe just tipsy. i work retail. i can’t fit in. it’s depressing me recently. i want to try it

  1. Don’t do it, it’s gonna lead to a negative cycle. Are meds or therapy an option for you (if you haven’t already pursued them)?

  2. As the others said. Don’t even consider it. Your coworkers will know most likely and they will probably be upset that you would do something so stupid. If your boss also found out you would probably get fired on the spot. So yeah, dont

  3. No. Seek out counselling to help you deal with past issues and look at gaining social skills.

    See about getting tested to find out if you are neurodivergent.

    Alcohol will only make the problem worse. Deal with the causes.

  4. absolutely not. people can easily smell alcohol on your breath if you’re talking to coworkers or customers. even if you don’t get caught, this is such a slippery slope into doing it again

  5. You ever see what alcohol withdrawal looks like? Can’t stop shaking and vomiting, plus anxiety gets 10x worse. I really don’t recommend going down this road. Alcohol abuse ain’t cute.

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