I (f 24) have been seeing this guy (28 m) for about 3 months. We had a small argument and he texted me that he wants to keep seeing me, but we should “take some space apart for a while”. Is he saying this cause he actually means it, or is it just a nicer way of saying he doesn’t want to see me again, but he doesn’t want to hurt my feelings? I would hate waiting for him if he’ll never come back, since “a while” is a rather vague timeline.

  1. If “small argument” prompted this reaction, imagine what a much bigger one would trigger. I’d say go with your gut – this is a cop out & he’s likely seeing other people (or wants to). NEVER wait around for someone else to deem you worthy of their time.

  2. He might be trying to do a slow fade. He’ll start with “some space” which then becomes more and more space. It’s basically a way for him to break up while avoiding the awkward and uncomfortable conversation associated with it. It’s less about your feelings and more about his own. Or he may genuinely be confused about what he wants and he’s trying to figure it out- but 28 is a little too old for this.

    You might consider asking for more specifics. It’s perfectly fair to want a timeline (e.g. two weeks and we’ll revisit). You also need to know if he wants no contact or just limited contact, or no in person visits, etc.

  3. What was the ‘small’ argument about?

    He’s still not sure about the relationship after 3 months and post sex? Tell him you’re going to date other guys until ge makes up his mind.

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