I miss him and have been struggling through the breakup. He’s very charming, unique, friendly with everyone including strangers type of guy. Always smiling and can be romantic. We do have chemistry, talk about deep topics, and make each other laugh. However, there are several reasons that I decided to break up after dating for 3 months (1 month as official bf/gf). Red flags include him ignoring my affectionate texts, encouraging me to drink every date and then have sex with him, reacting strongly to my house rules/boundaries, talking about himself all the time while criticizing me, meeting friends when he could’ve celebrated my bday with me and leaving out the girl’s name. On our 6th date we were choking in a kinky way and he said “I want to suffocate you”, later said he was joking. I was sure of my decision like even from a safety perspective, but he just texted me a long heartfelt sweet message apologizing and asking for us to talk more and try to work through it before ending everything. Now I’m a mess and had a feeling he might reach out. What are everyone’s thoughts? What should I text back and should we meet in person or have a call to talk? Should I just mail his belongings to him? Thank you!

  1. You’re attracted to a narcissist who’s using you when convenient for him. Do with that info what you will

  2. I know I’m going to get some flak about this. But the decision is yours and only yours. lot of people will say dump his ass, but honestly communication is key. And if he doesn’t listen to you, drop him. To many people on this sub Reddit are too hasty when it comes to questions like these and usually say ‘don’t talk to him’ or ‘don’t go back to him’.

    If he’s genuinely sorry, you’ll know fairly quick if he was faking his apology.

    Edit / TLDR: I’m not saying go back to him, maybe just talk with him.

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