TLDR; My GF told a series of lies about a past guy. She’s texted the guy “secretly” during our relationship. I confronted her.

So my girlfriend (F23) was friends with this guy before we were dating, we will call him josh. She knew him for a little while and never talked favorably about this guy, and claimed she only hung around him because of a mutual girl friend.

My gf also has a tattoo of what seems to be initials on her ankle that were drawn very terribly (think someone who just bought a tattoo gun). She claimed this tattoo meant something completely unrelated. Neither of these seem connected in context, but I promise they will come into play later.

So a few months back, I was sitting in the car with my gf and her mom. I was in the backseat and saw a text pop-up on her phone from josh. She immediately lowers her phones brightness and hides her phone. I confront her about this later that day, and she immediately lies and says, “I was texting rebecca”, and I said “I’m supposed to believe that”. She came clean and said she was texting josh but immediately stormed off. I could see her doing something on her phone as she was walking away (Imagine you have porn on your phone and your mom asks to see it). She apologized for hiding it and reassured me that it was nothing to be worried about and she’s never slept with him before.

Fast forward, a buddy of mine runs into josh at the bar. Josh is talking about how his initials are on her ankle, etc… Well at this point I start questioning everything. I pretend like I know everything and confront her. She tells me that yes it is his initials, and yes she has slept with him before. I press further and she tells me that she deleted texts between him and her and has lied to me this whole time.

I just need some advice on what to do next. Im going to therapy in the next couple days

  1. Leave now and don’t ever look back. I have been in a similar situation, and it took me two years to realize she never loved me as much as I loved her. Her hiding this and lying to you is much more than just a red flag, it is unacceptable. Please have some self respect and move on, I did not and it made moving on and healing so much harder. Best of luck to you.

  2. Run. She cheated on you. Cheating is an unforgivable act in a relationship. Your relationship is done, move on, let her have this Josh guy. You’ll find someone better.

  3. She hid her contact and history with this guy because she was going to keep talking to him and didn’t want your radar to be up. She knew if she was transparent, she would have no chance of being able to justify her behavior. I know this is easier said than done, but I’d walk away. She’s shown you what her priorities are.

  4. Yeah that’s weird, she’s just an shitty dishonest person and not worth your time or energy. You don’t need to go about putting web of lies together with honest people, better to find an honest one

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