I’ve been talking to this guy who I really like and he’s told me he has a crush on me and calls me all these cute names and says things like ‘can’t wait to see you’. It genuinely feels like he likes me. There’s been about 3 times now where he’ll invite me out and when it’s that time he either won’t answer back or he’ll stay later at work but won’t tell me he’s staying later. I’ve called him out on this and he always tells me that when he actually sees me he’ll tell me why he hesitant to go out. I believe he’s feeling a little insecure because he used to be a body builder and now he’s looking like a bear but honestly I love bears haha I obviously don’t know if this is the actually reason but it definitely seems like it and I also don’t understand why he can’t tell me over text or phone on why he’s hesitant (I’ve asked him to tell me and he doesn’t want to) I really like this guy and willing to wait for him to be ‘ready’ to hang out but part of me feels like an idiot for actually waiting. What do y’all think??

  1. Maybe he just got out of a relationship. It’s unfair to date someone when you’re still thinking of your ex

  2. Ok hear me out maybe he has a Tiny//micro Peen or someting like that ? Speaking from experiance myself has that issue and know that will make a guy “little “insecure

  3. He’s asked you out 3 times and not showed up 3 times, I think that says plenty right there. Your waiting for a guy who isn’t giving you the time of day, but yet gives you excuses for why he can’t meet. Move on.

  4. Cast a bigger net of guys, he may not be ready for what your ready for but your not obligated to wait on someone to me that’s a red flag for someone to stand you up and not even say a word

  5. If he wanted to he would, because if he would he wanted to, sis. If a guy is fully interested in you, he will never leave you wondering or waiting in the wing. Men actively pursue in order to get what they truly want, period. Once you meet a man who isn’t about any games, one who can’t wait to know when he’ll see you again on the next date before he even lets you out of his sight after the current date, you’ll never go back! Know your worth and add tax!

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