How do you stop being unhappy with your own body?

  1. Physical activity or working out or dieting. At least making an effort is better than nothing

  2. you change what is making you unhappy about it. for example if you are overweight you lose weight, if you have no muscle, you workout, etc

  3. It takes about 6 to 12months of work to reach a decent and muscular physique. Maybe a bit more depensing your condition. So I would suggest you to fix your body instead of trying to love it by lying to yourself.

  4. you have two types of issues here

    1_ something bothers you that can be changed, eg : acne, body wight , etc

    in these situations you need to address the problem and put in the work and fix it

    some of them will need a lot of work / money to change like if you dont like your nose you can do cosmetic surgery and this brings us to the second type

    2_ something bothers you but you cant really change it eg : height , skin colour , body type, hair etc

    some of them you can’t change no matter what like height and skin colour some can be changed by a lot of work and money and you don’t have that, so you need to accept it cause you can’t control it

    my advice is work on the first type and minimize its effect so you’ll have just the few that you can’t control, you may accept them easier

  5. i got really into the weights and feeling of getting stronger and stronger. As a result i changed my diet specifically to get stronger and perform at a higher level.

    As a result of that, i cut my weight down by about 45 lbs eating high amounts of chicken, green vegetables like broccoli and bok choy.

    As a result of that, i feel much better looking in a tank top now as to looking like a little pillsbury dough boy haha

  6. I learned that my T levels were low. It’s why I could never gain muscle and always was tired and gain weight and fat. Going to try TRT this week and hopefully it’ll make things better at the gym.

  7. From reading the comment, it seems you are unhappy with the lack of (visible) progress. I feel you. I spent a good 10 years trying on and off to lose weight/build muscle with absolutely no result. Why? I followed fad diets, trendy workouts. These complicate the transformation process to try sell us stuff (information, “magical” food, pills, other products). On top of that, I did not quantify and track my progress.

    Visible changes began to happen once I started tracking calories, following a carefully planned training program, and logging my workout to measure progress over time.

    My personal body transformation journey is weight loss (and muscle gain), I am not sure what your current goals are, but my overall recommendation is to track and let your numbers guide you. This greatly reduces the influence from emotion on how we see our progress.

  8. Realise it’s my fucking fault I’m like this, and it’s my fucking job to fix it

  9. Stop eating too much food, get off the couch and change your life. You can’t get smarter but you can absolutely change your body. Unless you have a small dick, then you’re fucked.

  10. Don’t focus on getting ripped or shredded. Focus on being more active every day, the results will come. Find something fun to do like go for long walks, bike ride, go for hikes, whatever it is as long as you’re on your feet and active.

    Start small, and eventually do more as you become more comfortable. Getting In shape doesn’t mean hit the gym for 4 hours a day. It’s incredible what a bit of outdoor activity every day can do for you. You’ll get in great health, look and feel great, while doing something fun and enjoyable

  11. Ever had your testosterone level checked? If you’re eating correctly, your body *should* build muscle if you’re working them, which it sounds like you are.

  12. THERAPY!
    I just looked at your profile and you are SHREDDED.
    Seriously, if you’re unhappy with THAT body then the problem is 100% mental.

    You’re working out as a part time job and are in INCREDIBLE fucking spiderman-ass olympic gymnast level fitness.

    Go talk to a therapist about body dysmorphia. (Which a majority of body builders have.) You’re asking way more of yourself than is reasonable and I think you need to hear it from a professional.

    Seriously y’all get a fucking load of this Calvin Klein ass, traps poppin, eight pack havin ass, nothing I do is good enough ass OP.

    TLDR: OP is in better shape than 95% of the worlds population and needs counseling, not dietary advice.

  13. Work to keep it at its best, doesn’t mean workout necessarily, just eat and exercise sensibly and the rest you can’t help so accept your looks/ stature because there is somebody for everyone!

  14. You don’t, you just get used to it. There’ll always be that little part of your brain telling you it’s not good enough, even if you’re 5% BF

  15. Lift weights
    At the start it’s gonna make you hate your body even more lol, but now you have an outlet, you use that hate to continue improving your body and your health

  16. Changing the things about it that I don’t like that I have the ability to change.

  17. Start working out or doing a physical hobby. Even if nothing changes visually it still gives that very physical feeling if accomplishment

  18. I fixed it. Time in the gym, yoga, running, and finally joined a bouldering gym. Cleaned up my diet, quit drinking for 5 years and now only have a couple beers a month, started going to an actual barber, and then either shaved or actually trimmed my beard.

  19. Look at yourself naked more until you’re used to it.. Buy underwear you feel sexy in. Work out and drink water. Get clothes that compliment your build. Take sexy photos of yourself (not in the way guys do, no mirror selfies).

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