(I’m a 17 y/o male and she’s a 16 y/o female)

For context: I am in highschool and she is in my psych class. We were learning about the specifics of the eye (cornea, retina, etc) and I told her once she had beautiful scleras and she laughed. That gave me an idea…

I plan on asking this girl out by walking up to her and saying, “you got a minute? I was looking around and noticed how beautiful your retinas were. I wanted to see if we could exchange numbers and get to know each other better by hanging out”.

Now I know this sounds weird, but she’ll know I’m joking. For comedy purposes to make the moment better (and to boost her chances of saying yes), should I say this, or just keep it simple and say she’s beautiful. Thanks.

TLDR: I wanna ask a girl out but not sure if the way I ask her out is gonna turn out well. I want to stand out. Not sure if there’s attraction but I want to build some over a date.

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