How can a quiet person fit in with talkative people?

  1. Be the stoic listener so when you do contribute, it’s very meaningful. No need to force it, just kill it when it’s your turn. Listening is a lost skill these days and will serve you throughout life.

  2. These are more about conversations but..

    1. Laugh more.

    2. Ask questions. It’s a win win, you don’t need to do much talking and they’re happy to answer your questions about stuff.

    3. The other thing that will help is try new experiences, have a few adventures, remember those moments so that you have a few relevant fun little stories up your sleeve you can share with the group.

  3. Listen extremely well and when you have something very good to say, do it

    Those who speak less with the most insightful things to say are listened to much more when the moment comes

  4. A lot of people love to hear themselves talk. Some of them never shut up, so I just chill and engage when I’m interested in what’s being talked about.

  5. You let them talk there hearts out then you respond with a “woah man thats great! Me too” and then let them start up again

  6. People who love to talk, love people who let them talk. Listen, ask the occasional question to keep things moving and show you’re listening and interested. That’s pretty much it. If you have something to add, you can add it, but don’t feel like you need to match their level.

  7. I have a large group of very talkative friends and I’m pretty quiet, I don’t know why they keep inviting me to things but I like all of them so I’m happy about it. Just don’t be *too* quiet, speak when spoken too but don’t feel the need to start conversations or anything

  8. By listening actively and occasionally say something related to what they said, they do the job not you

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