What’s stopping you from getting rich?

  1. Why would I want to be rich? I’ve got most of what I want, and what I don’t have is not limited by financial factors, but rather time, energy, etc. It doesn’t take much to keep me happy.

  2. Ok. Outside the obvious.

    Not knowing my options to pursue and having a family. The family means my decisions impact more than myself and i need to be smart with risk taking.

    I don’t regret the family but it makes me need to plan out my decisions more thoroughly than just “ya let’s yolo this”

  3. Cigarettes and bills yeeeeeeehawwwwwww

    jk mostly the bills, shit comes out to over $2500 just for rent, utilities, phone and car 😭

  4. Me personally I was stopped from being rich by a lack of motivation towards economically prosperous fields like comp sci or business. I’m pretty sure I am also held back by not coming from money.

    Wealth disparity is absolutely ridiculous as the stupidest assholes can start rich, learn and do nothing, and get richer, while hardworking lower/middle class people work their whole lives to stay in the same tax bracket.

    I’m not a communist but you’d have to be blind to ignore the fact that rich kids have a head start and regardless of how hard you work, unless you’re lucky, you won’t be “rich”.

  5. Money— it takes money to make money. So you can risk your entire future with debt financing or play it safe……

  6. My existing debt. I’m fighting bills/mortgage plus extra curricular actives my kids do and can’t put more money into my savings.

  7. Nothing, I am rich, rich enough to retire at 30 and live well but not extremely lavishly. Now what? I’ve just spent 12 years getting here working all out doing nothing else and don’t know what to do it the world. I think I have no confidence as I haven’t associated with people for so long, but maybe I do, maybe I just have to do things, but I struggle as I haven;t done things in such a long time.

  8. The law because apparently murder for hire is against the law unless you’re already rich.

  9. A lot of “getting rich” comes down to conscientiousness (being organized and systematic), showing up every day even when things are tough, ignoring the noise in your head, and just continuing to plug away and believe in yourself which is a very tough thing to do! Most people don’t have the stomach to become rich…they give up because it’s hard! and because it’s uncomfortable and because it’s easier and more comfortable to have someone else tell you what to do, pay you $50,000-$100,000 a year, and have money show up every two weeks in your bank account.
    I’m in real estate and the most successful agents are the hardest working, and the most systematic in their approach…a lot of them have stories about hardly being able to pay their rent for the first couple of years but continuing to glug away at it, working 7 days a week, taking part-time jobs to pay rent, long hours, networking, believing it would work out even when they didn’t have any money coming in, continuing to take courses to better their knowledge, continuing to read books, continuing the focus on becoming the best expert they could, and just showing up every day…eventually you have a small breakthrough, then a bigger one and then it snowballs, AND the key is to not let off the gas when you have a little bit of success…a lot of people get some success, get comfortable, let off the gas and then end up back where they started.

    – Figure out what you want to become successful at (Salesperson, Lawyer, Doctor, Business owner etc.)
    – Figure out if you can make money doing it.
    – Find successful people who are doing what you want to do and figure out the systems they’ve used to get to that level.
    – Find a system that’s proven and follow it (don’t try to re-create the wheel until you’ve mastered that system and understand the business in and out)
    – Show the fuck up every day even when it gets hard.
    – Understand that you’re likely going to make mistakes and feel stupid on your journey.
    – Find mentors and people who will hold you accountable + give you advice when needed.
    – Try to add as much value to people’s lives as you can, don’t make it about the money! if you make it about the money you’re doing it wrong…the money will come when you add value.
    – Keep showing up, and showing up and showing up…and when you’re about to quit…show up again.

  10. Time. It’s not my main objective but I do expect some form of it to happen along the way. I guess we’ll see.

  11. Lack of interest on my part. I have plenty of connections and all the skills, but I prefer basically being the sheriff of Codland.

  12. I don’t have the combination of a great idea and great networks.

    I’m also not willing to work 70-hour weeks because that’s not rich to me. Even if I was money-rich I’d be time-poor.

  13. Lack of effort in that direction. Also, I wouldn’t really know where to start. I make a good salary and don’t really care about being “rich.”

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