So I’m(22M) am horrible at reading signs.
I’ve been talking with my classmate in one of my classes (23F) throughout the semester (around 3 months)and we have some good chemistry. Issue is, sometimes I feel like things are more than friendly and then other times I’m sure it’s just friendly. So I’ll go down a list of interactions and see what y’all think.

She always chooses to sit next to me and we can easily strike a conversation. This is in class, lab, or just when im chilling in the lobby.

She told me im “not allowed” to miss the classes and labs we have together. This is in regards to when I talk about how I might skip class to work on something else.

Similarly whenever I have to miss class she gives a slight teasing insult and messes with me with the response “that’s for missing class”

Regularly in class if lecture is slow, she’ll mess with me (she sits next to me). Generally by prodding me or moving my papers or wires a little. Mainly seems because she just wants a reaction out of me.

She asked for my number recently, but she doesn’t really text. For context my other classmate asked for mine for a study session later and she then asked for my number as well (after saying she couldn’t join us because she had work).
She doesn’t ever text though even when she has my number. Whenever I text her though she responds in a few minutes at most, but it’s only ever been about school stuff.
If neither of us have something to do between class she likes to stick around and chat about anything.

Today, when we found out our class we share was canceled during lab I made a passing comment of “oh I can finally eat lunch at my apartment”, to which she responded “no we should eat lunch together! Even though she told me she was planning on studying after lab. (Which she did eventually go to do, but she went from going to study for an hour and a half to 30 minutes due to us having lunch). She said the reason was because she doesn’t like to eat alone though. Which is where the friendly thing might be. She left in a hurry upon seeing the time with just a quick “see you later”

She often will playfully tap or rub my shoulder as well (usually if she’s excited or laughing), along with lots of teasing.
When asked about the teasing she responded with “well I’d hug you but I don’t hug guys.” (no she’s not gay)

Lastly one time when we were talking she got uncomfortable and asked if we could move elsewhere to talk. She told me when asked it was because someone she went on one date with in the past was in the room. Then she proceeded to tell me how bad the date went and asked if I would do some of the things the guy would do on a first date.

Might also be worth noting that I’m generally a quiet guy and she is more extroverted. Some classmates have noticed I talk more when she is around and she responded to this comment with “I make him talk to me” in a happy tone.
She does talk to other classmates but talks to me most.

So after that long list is this the behavior of someone that is just super friendly or someone looking for more?

TLDR: classmate teases a lot, asked for my number(but never initiates a text convo), asked me to have lunch with them (spur of the moment not preplanned), and chooses to hangout in between classes we both share. Is this friendly or looking for more?

  1. She likes you. The question is, do you want something more than friendship? If so, then you should absolutely ask her out.

  2. You’re getting all up in your head about whether or not she’s interested, but you don’t think to tell us whether you are.

    Are you interested in her or not?

    If you are: Reddit cannot answer your question. The only way to find out is to actually put yourself out there and make a move. Ask her for coffee, start at text convo, whatever – just take some initiative.

    The worst that can happen is that she says no.

  3. This is how I flirt with guys lol. But of course, everyone is different and she might be an outgoing or flirty person. Either way, she clearly likes you! I would ask her to hang out outside of school and see how it goes.

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