What is your fav season or weather? and Why?

  1. Spring, the world wakes up and turns green again. Flowers start to bloom, animals are being born and it isnt to warm or cold outside.

  2. I live in a state that doesn’t participate in seasons, but fall because I love Halloween.

  3. Fall!! Where I live, it’s cold enough to stack quite a few layers without getting hot, and i have an alternative fashion style so that’s a must. Winter is just a bit too cold though – I don’t like being so cold that I’m miserable

  4. Autumn, but I love seeing the first light of the fireflies and the evenings in early summer.

  5. I love something about every season, but my all time favourite is winter. I love cold and snow. And being inside when it’s cold and dark outside. I love crunchy walks, being bundled up. I love winter sports and activities.

    But I love summer too, so I’m torn.

  6. Fall. All of the allergens die, the leaves are gorgeous, and I love going for long walks outside when it’s brisk but not cold.

  7. I like something about all 4 seasons, but Spring where I live is especially beautiful with all the blooming trees and flowers everywhere and the milder temps. After the constant grey days of winter it lifts my mood.

  8. Season: Fall. The weather isn’t as hot as summer and the scenery of trees is beautiful.

    Weather: Rain/Thunderstorms. Rain has always felt so cleansing and calming to me.

  9. Winter, heavy snow.

    Because the world is quieter and slower during the Winter (specifically I LOVE January). There is also something calming and peaceful about watching snow fall.

    (Bonus – I love cold weather.)

  10. Spring, I’m a gardener.

    I love running out first thing in the morning to see what all my plants have done overnight- who is waking up early and who is sleeping in.
    The prospect of the best.season.ever still exists and everything is possible.

  11. Summer.
    I love feeling the sun and heat on my skin.
    I live in a place where summer are not extremely hot, so it’s very nice to on walks, take good pictures and just enjoy the wheather.

  12. spring! because it’s beautiful and fresh esp after a long cold winter.

    but, I like fall and winter clothes better 🤩

  13. Snow. I love the cold, crisp air and the crunch under my feet when I walk on it. And wrapping up in a million layers to be warm.

  14. I like the change of it. During the beginning of the new season, that season is my favourite. By the time it ends, the new season is.

  15. In between spring/summer. I hate when it’s too hot or cold and rainy. I like when it’s very warm with a little breeze. When you can go out without a jacket, and lay in the park with burning up.

  16. Winter. I love snow and cold. A high of high 40°Fs to low 50°Fs with calm/no wind is the best. Unfortunately I live in a desert and while the mornings get like that or lower, it doesn’t stay there long.

  17. When I lived up north, Summer was my favorite season. Now that I’m down south, Fall. I like warm, not too hot, not too cold, 70s~ is the best for me.

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