I’ve always only been able to cum through clitoral stimulation. I can go multiple rounds, so no complaints on my part. Problem is, I lose all sensation in my clitoris as soon as PIV starts – especially if the guy has a big dick, I’ve noticed that the “stretched-out” feeling (as much as I love it) completely numbs everything else so I’m not able to cum, or if I do I have to rub my clit extra hard and many times it just ends up hurting. It also happens when I’m getting fingered or with smaller dicks but to a lesser extent.

I’m currently seeing a guy who’s pretty well hung and the chemistry between us is off the charts so I’d like to solve this hangup. Does any other woman have this problem and how do I overcome it?

  1. Is it possible that it’s just overloading the nerves down there, and just so much sensation blurs everything out?

  2. Are you using condoms? There are some types of condoms with a lube that helps the guy to last longer…which I’ve found to have a numbing sensation on ME as well.

  3. Welcome to the diversity of being human. You are the lucky winner of a pussy that for some collusion of the universe, you can only cum from non PiV sex. Own it girl!

    Key here is, do you still enjoy PiV anyway? If so… continue enjoying PiV!

    Just make your partner aware of this, let him have his PiV while you enjoy it… But he/you must make you get your big O with non PiV activities.


    Pardon me for being direct, but if we were a thing, after learning your dark side evil ways… I’d ( excuse my colorful language here ) destroy you with PiV, then orally destroy you to climax… and if your game… I’d probably be ready for round two and destroy you with PiV again… depending on my stamina level… I’d have to punish you again with oral/manual play. Sorry, I’m a 50/50 guy, give or take… You get as much as I get.

    Find a partner that will meet you half way… and tell the universe, you’re a winner.

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