… and is there an example in your life that relates?

  1. This is a simplification and implies more agency than I think we really have. Good decisions are hard — you never have enough information to make them. On the other hand, it’s pretty easy to make decisions that aren’t terrible. So, just try to make decisions that aren’t terrible, the rest is largely luck

  2. Short-term sacrifice, long-term gain.

    The problem is it’s tough to pass up the short-term rewards which impede our progress towards our long-term goals. I.e. eating junk food over eating healthy and exercising.

    Take studying for example. It’s easy to just skate by and not study at all but what you’re losing is time, time that could’ve been used to study or better ones self elsewhere.

    Kobe had similar mindset when it came to practice. The mindset being if he was consistent then eventually nobody could catch up to him.

  3. working hard doesn’t alway equal to easy life. however living easy for almost every time produce a hard life.

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