Basically, I want advice bc right now I’m kinda sad;I’ve been talking to this guy, daily, for months, we kissed and be intimate/affectionate with eachother. But, today it’s my birthday and he knows, because I told him twice (not expecting anything more than a cute greeting) and I saw him today, in class, and he did texted me but just saying hi and how are you. He didn’t even acknowledge me, like he walked right past me and didn’t do anything.
I thought maybe he was waiting for the class to end, but he got up and left after, I’m really confused.
Should I not expect for him to care about these things? Am I getting too attached? What should I do?
Of course we’re not together together, but we’re kinda close

  1. No, you have the right to expect that. Either he has a very bad memory or he doesn’t care that much about you.

  2. That’s weird that you kissed and he just walked right past you I can’t lie but he could have forgot

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