As the title says, I want to know if anyone wants to share any tricks to make yourself as safe as can be when doing things like that. I am a woman, if that is relevant. I’ve never done anything like that before, but I think about trying it out since I really want to try sex but don’t want a relationship (I think I’m likely an aroall).

  1. Here is what I do:

    1. meet in public first
    2. Chat for a while to ensure the other person is serious
    3. Verify that the person is a real life human thought videos or social media.

    By that point, you still don’t really know them but you know they are real and not lying on key points.

  2. Tell people you trust where and when you’re going, give them a time for when you should be there and leaving so if they dont hear from you in a certain amount of time they know to come looking for you, bring a knife or gun, knives work a bit better since you can have em in your pocket or purse without anyone knowing, possibly even bring your own drinks in your own cup so no one can spike your drink with a date rape drug or sumn, bring your own weed to smoke, turn on tracking on your phone, google the person you’re meeting with

  3. (51F) I agree with @maxanderson350. But would like to add…

    *Take your own car because some may offer to pick you up. They don’t need to know where you live.

    *Use caution in what you drink. Including whether it be in a glass or a bottle.

    *If “hookup” ensure you’re both on the same page with/without condoms, consent, expectations, etc.

    *Let a friend or family member know where you are. That’s a personal call on your part. But safe over sorry can be important!

    Best of luck to ya Hun❣️

  4. Get a pistol, or taser. Send a friend your love location with them being able to update it. Charge phone 100%

  5. You book a hotel room. Hotels have cameras, 24-7 security, and a phone in the bathroom if you need to get behind a locked door and call for help downstairs.

    I am a single woman and I do not bring “strangers” back my house or allow them to know where I live.

  6. Meet in public first and see how you feel about him. Meet at a hotel if possible. Wherever you go drive yourself or have a friend drop you off. Tell a trusted friend where you’re going and his name. Set up some safety check with a friend like a call or text at certain times. Avoid bringing extra cash or credit cards that you won’t need. Only do what you’re comfortable doing. Watch what you’re drinking.

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