I find my self talking, complementing and being friendly with people I barely know just to have a potential friend, despite the fact that this socializing leave me with social fatigue the whole day.
When those people just don’t bother to even say goodbye to you when the conversation finishes, or just skip you when they find their friend.
it seems that I am just not likeable and the social anxiety that I’ve been fighting for years is there for a reason, maybe I am just weird or a sticky person who thinks that people are enjoying having time with.
Just embrassing myself.
I lately feel that I just need to sit alone and don’t interact with any person when it is just causing damage to me distracting me from things I need to do.

  1. As a person who deals with social anxiety and low self esteem, I understand your situation. One thing I realized is that you have to believe that you are capable of making amazing friendships and not try too hard pleasing everyone. You have to believe you will attract the right people. Also maybe try to observe yourself and see to it that you are giving off good vibes and putting the right amount of effort and not being desperate. I am not expert and sometimes go through similar situations as yours but believe me, it is, I guess I should say, a continuous process and during this process you put yourself out there, see what works out and what doesn’t and make necessary changes and it will work out just fine.

  2. You need to practice being alone! Friends can be something that give you a great pleasure but the opposite is very possible! Focus on yourself and one time the good people will come to you! 😉

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