I(f23) love having sex. My husband (m31) does as well but if I don’t initiate it usually doesn’t happen. He won’t initiate it but will masturbate to porn once I go to sleep. We have great sex by that I mean we go down on each other we both always have orgasms. I am not sure what happens

  1. Partners who never initiate, often crush the self esteem of their partners, as everyone has a need to feel wanted and desired. You need to communicate how this makes you feel and he needs to change . You are young, so communicate, communicate, communicate and if they won’t listen or change, then deviate to a new relationship.

  2. Does he struggle with depression? Partnered sex in solo masturbation really aren’t the same thing.

  3. I call porn addiction and the ”can’t get women my age, because they know better” age difference. But it could just be a difference in libidos too. It’s okay to sometimes want a no hassle wank, instead of really focusing to sex. Sometimes.

  4. My husband doesn’t give me a single orgasam, I’ve suggested things he doesn’t find interesting, so yes I do what your husband does and it’s much more enjoyable. But sounds like you two are in love and have a healthy sex life so what’s his issue??? An addiction possibly? A habit?

  5. Sounds like porn addiction, talk to your husband about it. Porn is normal but when it gets to the point that you prefer it over real sex then it is a problem.

  6. He probably doesn’t want to seem like that’s all he wants from you. I’ve had a guy I dated that was like that he hated starting it because he never knew when I was ready.

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