A couple weeks ago, I (20f) went on a party bender with my friends. One of my friends (21m), miles, who I met a couple weeks before, went too. Throughout the bender, he kept making moves on me, just some flirting and his hands somewhere on me.

I already knew for a couple weeks he had a crush on me, and he’s cute so I didn’t mind! Honestly kind of happy he actually did anything at all, seeing as he doesn’t seem like a relationship type and more of a jokester. We were having fun and it was a chill time.

After the bender, he becomes super standoffish. We run into each other a couple times, and he’s super dry and quiet. The weird part is that he’s the one to call ME over, and still behaves like he doesn’t want a convo. He even leaves me on seen when he started the conversation. Honestly, I expect this from any other guy but Miles is known to never shut up, so when he does, it gets my attention.

Despite him being super quiet to me, his friends apparently have no issue talking to me. For the past couple weeks, countless people have walked up to me and said “oh, you’re miles’s friend!” Even our mutual friends have hinted at something between us, bringing up his name for no reason sometimes.

So I know that he’s been talking about me, but at this point I have no clue why since it seems like he doesn’t want to have a conversation.

I gen dont care if he wants a relationship or not, but at least I want him to be my friend?? I just have literally no clue what I did. He is friends with everyone, so I dont understand why I no longer make the cut. I’m just so confused– like he’s gonna stop being friends with me bc he lost feelings??

So I guess my questions are: did he lose feelings or is this something ppl who aren’t used to situation ships will do? Also guys, even if you lose feelings for a girl, do y’all give up on friendships entirely? And also, could I be taking this too personally?

PS: Also, a tip for guys: dont tell every friend abtba girl flirted w for a couple days, bc it WILL get back to her

TL;DR: Guy has crush on me for weeks, finally makes moves at a couple parties, becomes standoffish, talks to me to his friends, and starts conversations with me and makes them awkward. Why is he acting like this?

  1. He probably wants more from you, but sounds like a bag of issues if you invest more time. If you’re/he’s just trying to smash, and he hasn’t yet, he’s probably upset he hasn’t hit it yet.

    Us guys are very simple creatures. We’re physically and visually attracted to ladies.

    But you both need to establish what y’all are doing (friends, flirting, dating, FWB, etc) so y’all can both know how to move.

    Figure out what y’all wanna do, and it’ll be easy

  2. Sounds like he feels that you rejected him. Hes still into you so he talks but now he’s weird about it in person with you.

  3. You should ask him what he thinks your relationship is now and what he wants from you. Then decide what you want to do when he answers you.

  4. It’s also possible he thinks this will get your attention? I had an ex decide she wasn’t interested because I showed too much interest and it fucked me up with knowing how much interest to show in a girl without it being a turn off for them it’s possible he is trying to back it up for fear that he came on too strong..

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