Hello all,
Wasn’t really sure how to word the title of this post, but basically today I was having a conversation with a coworker who I really relate to and feel a connection with, and we get along great which is a bit of a weird feeling for me. I started working at this job a few months ago and don’t really have a connection with anyone else and part of our job involves long car rides together.

I have been struggling with social anxiety and overthinking for a few years, and things are starting to feel like they’re getting better finally. I’m able to have good conversations with people, starting to come out of my shell and show glimpses of who I really am and in general feeling a lot more comfortable socially. But something I noticed today, after spending an hour talking about a bunch of random stuff something came up in the conversation that prompted me to talk about some of these issues I have and why I have them. I didn’t go crazy into detail but I explained how I have difficulty trusting people and feeling comfortable with them because of certain circumstances in my life and we talked about it for a few minutes, and she shared some pieces of her life that have been difficult as well. In the moment it felt nice to have a connection and be able to relate to someone but now I am becoming worried about scaring them off and worrying if I overshared and if it’s too early in our friendship to bring up things this personal.
Basically I am wondering if anyone else has had this sort of experience and was it okay socially to talk about things like this? And how to get over feeling a sort of anxious regret about the situation.

So far it feels like this is one of the best friendships I’ve built in a long time and I have never related so well to everything someone says. Im very worried about maybe I scared her off and now she’ll see me differently.

Thanks for reading this sorry the post is so all over the place. Any advice is hugely appreciated.

1 comment
  1. I mean, as long as you weren’t talking about how you used to kill your neighbors cats or something, that sounds like a great conversation and, as you said, a newly formed relationship. One the most solid friendships I’ve ever had was with a coworker and it all started with how fucked up we were (or thought we were). I wouldn’t sweat it.

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