I’ve recently gotten closer with two friends, let’s call them Jake and Anna. They were already pretty close before I became friends with them. We all recently agreed to drive to another state together for a trip. Considering that we all agreed to go together multiple times, I was expecting that they would respect my schedule so that I can find a week to go with them. But I found out today from Anna that the two had planned to go to the said state later this month, when I am not free. It seemed like Anna realised her mistake in telling me this and she was trying to take her words back.

This isn’t the first time this happened. Jake invited me to go drinking together with Anna and a couple other people. At the bar we were taking a group selfie and Jake “accidentally” left me out of the selfie before he realised and took the selfie again with me included.

Another time, we decided to hang out the next day and though we have a group chat for discussing such group outings, I found out that they made changes to the plan in their private chats. I later found out from Anna again, who just assumed that I knew about the new plan.

They are both decent people, and don’t stop me from joining their outings. They are both very extroverted. I also understand that they might want to hang out together without me, but these are for group outings that we all agreed on. Though we are “close” e.g. we have discussions that close friends have, I understand that they might still want to maintain distance from me. Am I being too sensitive or are there red flags?

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