Hey all, I have been struggling with boundaries. My boundaries.

The reason is, I realize, they largely consist not of things that would make me uncomfortable, but things that I fear would make others uncomfortable. Which seems to lead to me broadcasting a sense of uprightness, entirely unintended, and (feeling I am) being left out. Not due to judgement or anything – people just respect the boundaries I didn’t set and this stay at arm’s reach.

But I digress. Knowing how to talk about this would help, and I’m guessing there must be some way to refer to different boundaries by their cause. Do you avoid this topic etc. due to personal distress, or due to fear of judgement/offense (aka fear that it crosses others’ boundaries) or something else entirely?

So, is there such a distinction, and how do I learn about it?

1 comment
  1. What are your boundaries can you provide examples? Is your question how to set boundaries with other people?

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