So we live on opposite sides of the world, she lives in a state where weed is legal and she smokes every day. Like couple of hits in the morning, before lunch, some in the afternoon, before dinner and then before she goes to sleep. I’d say shes high like 70% of the time she’s awake. I was reluctant to say anything in the beginning because she’s been through a lot and I know it helps her with anxiety and chronic abdominal pain, but it’s starting to drive a wedge between us. Like I mentioned I’m from a different country overseas and while I’ve lived in her country for the majority of our relationship and visited her family many times she’s never visited me. Mainly because weed is not legal here. We’ve had talks of her visiting me on multiple occasions but it’s always ended up with me visiting her instead as she isn’t willing to try and quit. But at this point I’m not able to travel to her for the next year due to work and I’ve basically signed a contract that’s making me stay here for the next 3 years. The planned trips we have together are again entirely depending on her getting this addiction under control. I feel like I’m making huge sacrifices to see her and be with her while when it comes to her needing to put the money where her mouth is she’s only willing to have me be the one who makes sacrifices and it’s getting to the point of an ultimatum. How important am I? I’ve worked hard to make a career for myself in my industry but even so I’ve given up some opportunities to be able to be with her while she on a physical level is very unwilling to make any changes to her routines to make it work long term.
We’ve had talks about this but it’s always kinda ending up with her crying and me comforting her.
I have some past family trauma with serious addiction and being in second place to drugs and at this point talking to her is bringing back a lot of upsetting memories from that time.
We’ve been together for 2 years and up until this point everything has been amazing and I feel like we are meant to be. But this is just a hurdle I’m not sure how to handle especially since really its all up to her. Is this even worth it?

1 comment
  1. You two aren’t compatible. Her crying and getting you to comfort her when you are upset with her behaviour is a manipulative tactic.

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