Hi! I’m 18 years old, graduated from school a few months ago and currently gifting myself a sabbatical before going to college. I’m a huge introvert and I believe I might have mild autistic traits. I have some friends from school and elsewhere. Not many though, and we don’t have a lot of contact. I’m still living with my parents and most of the time, I just sit in my room in front of my computer. And I like it that way! When I’m the most lonely is when I’m the most happy. But at the same time, I kinda want to have friends. So, when I DO want to talk to someone, I could. Also, I know that having a bigger group of friends is the most effective way to find someone to get into a relationship with or to just have casual sex with. But at the same time, I don’t even know if I would want a relationship. I have my problems with intimacy and I have trouble opening up to people.
What I mean is for example: Whenever I see or hear people meeting up and celebrating, having a good time, I somehow want to be part of that (maybe because I think I’m missing out on something) but at the same time, I really don’t because social situations easily exhaust me and I just want to spend time with myself alone.
Is there anyone who can relate to this and maybe offer some advice? I’d be really grateful for it.

  1. I can relate a lot to this post. Except that it isn’t just being in front of the computer for me, more specifically it was playing games, or watching YouTube. It wasn’t even that fun or enjoyable I honestly just did it more out of habit and comfort, and for a while I was content with that. Turns out gaming for me personally, is a problem, once I stopped playing games I naturally gravitated to trying out new things, and found a few new hobbies for myself that I actually do enjoy.

    I’d hesitate to give advice because my life isn’t where I want it to be yet, but do you actually enjoy your time at the computer doing whatever it is you do? Do you feel like it’s worth your time?

  2. You sound a lot like me in the past. You may play a dangerous game there. Try to keep the balance and socialize a bit, even if you don’t necessarily enjoy it. There may come a day when solitude doesn’t make you as happy any more and then it’s easier to socialize more often if you’re already doing it. Cause if you haven’t been it’s really hard to start from scratch. Believe me, I know.

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