what’s the worst car accident you’ve ever been in?

  1. As a 19 yr old, I was a passenger in a 1973 Mercury Capri that hit a concrete bridge barrier. My best friend owned it & was driving, we were headed home from a football game & hit a patch of ice. It tore the floorboard out from under my side of the car, my right foot flew through, it almost tore my right foot completely off. Dr. said only the fact I was wearing a damm good pair of boots kept it from being completely ripped off. The car rolled several times & I also ended up with a broken clavicle & shoulder blade. He had a hell of gash on his head & a broken arm.
    He ended up driving my car (a 4 speed stick shift) while I recuperated. Hell of a memory!

  2. I was in a friend car once and he hit a car before him while we were trying to pass a heavily traffic street. It was a very small accident and both car were fine. Only a bit of scratch on the car before us but the driver was a maniac. He keep ranting and calling bad name and shotung like we destroyed his car. We gave him insurance and we said we pay for all but the dud was the most horrible. I mean i haven’t meet a person with such horrible personality. He called traffic police and was about to sue us. The car accident was simple but it caused us a lot of headache.

  3. My dad was driving and this random man jumped on the road in between 2 cities trying to get hit. He died. We crashed into a pole. None of us in the car got hurt TOO badly but my dad found the guy’s family and let them know. He was buried. We kept on moving.

  4. I hit my side mirror with a tree. I’ve just gotten my drivers license.

    After that I’ve been lucky and I haven’t been in any car accident.

  5. Never as driver myself, but I did have encounters where others driving causing problems. Driving into me, me ending up on the hood or foot under the wheels (so thankful that I use military boots with metal nose tips). Opening doors without looking first. Such things.

  6. Spun out on the top of a mountain road. Hit the gaurd rail. Rolled down about 1500 feet. Spent 9 months in a hospital having my face rebuilt/recovering. Was 30+ years ago. I was a passenger.

  7. When I was a young boy of 12ish with my mom, she was driving this mid 90s Achieva and we were stopped at a red light and the light was just after a blind hill, so someone flew over the blind hill at about 50mph and hit us from behind stopped. Whiplash that would rip your head off..

  8. It’s a bit of a toss up.

    I was hit by a dump truck changing lanes on a freeway, which broke my rear axle, sent my car out of control across several lanes, repeatedly hit each guardrail four times. When my vehicle finally came to stop, it was across the lanes and I was t-boned on my driver’s side door by another car. I was knocked unconscious when my head slammed against my side window.

    I have permanent mild brain damage and permanent back, shoulder, and neck injuries, and live with chronic headaches, pain, and issues with instant recall memory.

  9. Just one, I had to scrap my car and move back in with my parents. I don’t like being in cars anymore

  10. Drunkdriver hit our car in a frontal collision. He was going around 65mph, and swerved into the wrong lane. Our car crumbled, the driver (close family member) broke 20 bones and never regained the same level of mobility. The 2nd passenger in the backseat broke his back (no CNS damage) and made a full recovery in 2 years).
    I took some damage to a knee and torso. I made a full physical recovery after about 3 years of rehab and oxys. Mentally it took me ALOT longer. I still dont like driving on snowy days and a red oncomming car, still gives me a jolt of fear.

  11. My first one, I turned when there was black Toyota Camry coming and it slammed into the side of my blue 08’ Chevy Malibu. Both cars were totaled but luckily nobody was hurt.

  12. My first car was totaled when some blind twat made a left turn without looking and T-boned me.

  13. Fell asleep on the highway with cruise control locked in at 68 mph. Woke up to my car making contact along the metal guard wire in the grass section separating the oncoming highway traffic. Was not injured at all and nobody else was involved.

    No was not intoxicated, I did feel a bit tired however no where near that tired. I’ve fallen asleep in a boring class before but that was the first I’ve ever fell asleep in the middle of such a mentally and physically demanding activity.

  14. Wrote off my ’03 Impala, lost traction slid off the road and went down a 15 foot deep ditch coming to a stop in a stream of freezing cold water, I walked away from it with minor injuries and a bit of hypothermia, it was a shitty day but it could have been a lot worse.

    I really liked that car.

  15. It wasn’t a car accident, but a bus accident. The date was May 30, 1998. My mom, aunt, cousin and her boyfriend, and I were on a bus of about 50 people going to Lancaster, Pennsylvania – Amish country for those of you who don’t know. I had seen the driver sleeping while the bus was parked and us riders were out and about. Long story short, the bus driver fell fast asleep on the highway driving back home. It was night already. I was seven years old. Most of the adults at the front of the bus saw him sleeping, told each other, one even walked up to him, yet I don’t recall one of them attempting to wake him up. Next thing I knew, traffic on the highway stopped and our bus crashed at full speed into the back of a stopped bus on the highway. I remember it like it was yesterday. His windshield was totally smashed. I vomited from being shaken up. A few people including my cousin suffered injuries and had to be taken to hospitals. No one died as far as I know. I looked at the driver whom I never saw again. I remember exiting the bus and having to wait on the side of the highway – I had no idea where we were and don’t remember how we got home from there. But I do remember arriving back in Brooklyn some time later and getting home safely. I will never forget that day.

  16. Got smacked pretty good by a pickup truck when I was walking through a parking lot. It’s a long story but was kind of funny at the time

  17. I think it was about 9 or 10 years ago now. I had a 1st gen mr2, was with a bunch of friends on a lengthy cruise up in the mountains. I had just gotten the car and tires weren’t the best and it needed some brakes. Ended up cooking the brakes on the run, and came into a turn way to hot, brakes had faded and I ended up literally sliding straight off the side of a mountain, at about 50-60mph straight into a tree down a 40ft embankment. I remember going off the side and right before impact. I woke up and my friends had already made it down to me, I hit the steering wheel so hard with my face that it punched a dime sized hole right above my chin, and knocked me out for a good few minutes. I managed to get out on my own and walk up the embankment. Fire department showed up and checked out the car, a large tree branch had impaled the windshield about 4 inches from my face. They weren’t sure how I walked out with so few injuries and told me I should have died. I refused to go to the hospital close to where we were at and had my friend drive me 2 hours down the mtn to get stitches. I got to the hospital and was taken back and given some pain medication, about a minute after the pain meds I had a seizure. They did an mri and said everything ws normal and stitched me up, think it was about 26 stitches to close the hole up in my face. I’ve had quite a few other wrecks, but that one definitely hurt the most.

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