Single men: why is there hardly anything in your fridge?

  1. What I need to put in it ?

    All I need is tomatoes for the pasta and the nectar of the gods mountain dew

  2. I buy what I eat. I eat what I buy.

    What doesn’t get eaten for dinner, is lunch at work tomorrow.

  3. Because it’s inefficient to feed yourself alone and doordash is easy when you can(t) afford it (but keep doing it anyway when you should stop and cook for yourself every night but then again who are you trying to impress when you live alone so long as you keep things clean for when you do have guests because your living space is an extension of your mind and taking care of yourself is important).

  4. I buy what I eat I eat it and then that’s it I go buy more if I need to. Sometimes I buy more snacks but I just end up over eating everything in one sitting so I control it buy forcing a store visit lol

  5. I like to be able to see the back of the fridge personally

    For me, if I can’t see everything I will forget about it. Then it’ll go bad and be wasted. I really hate creating food waste so i try not to do that and basically freeze whatever I think can be frozen lol.

    Otherwise I don’t really care much about food. I’m content drinking soylent a lot of days. I buy that shit in bulk and whip it up when I don’t feel like making real food.

  6. Because I need to go to the store.

    I get enough food for about a week or two, and then eat until it’s all completely gone.


  7. If it’s kept in the fridge it’s something with a relatively short lifetime. I can only eat so much in a finite time period so anything more than that will end up getting binned. Why would I fill my fridge with stuff that I’m just going to end up binning?

  8. I don’t like to spend time in the kitchen, so i stick to easy, quick meals that have little ingredients.

    In thus way i don’t waste time planning what to eat, nor spend time cooking it and therefore no little waste.

  9. Don’t know how to cook, I’ll buy 4 things and eat stir fry every day. Plus cheese and egg not, fucking live cheese and egg nog.

  10. It’s called bachelor fridge. As in, I’ve got a bad case of bachelor fridge right now. It means I don’t have anyone to cook for and cooking for one sucks so I exist mostly on take out, frozen food, and leftovers.

  11. I grew up with little food in the fridge. Now as an adult my fridge is always packed and never empty and will always be.

  12. I think it also depends a lot on how much someone likes cooking. If someone likes cooking, their kitchen and fridge will look different and filled with at least the staples like milk, eggs, bread, spices, etc.

  13. I usually just buy 1-2 days worth of food at a time.

    I weirdly enjoy going to my local grocery store everyday. Having some exposure to lots of people who are going about their day to day life is oddly calming to me.

    Also I find that when I buy a weeks worth of food, I don’t fancy a lot of the stuff I bought later on in the week; so buying in smaller batches helps me waste less.

    I also just don’t eat a lot of “fridge food”. My fridge typically just has an oven meal, 4 yoghurts and a bottle of pepsi max in it. The rest of the food I eat in a day is non-fridge food.

  14. Food in the fridge has to be consumed before it goes bad. Single people don’t eat as much as a couple or family so they buy less of everything otherwise it would just go to waste.

    Canned and frozen food keeps longer so that’s usually the first choice.

  15. Counter question, when are you going to throw away the Tupperware leftovers?

    A guy with a mostly empty fridge is a man with self control and organization.

    Be wary of Pizza Box Pete and his museum of molds

  16. Because I only have a single body to feed, buy what I plan to eat, dot. Won’t buy more till I’ve had majority of it. What evers not eaten at dinner is food for tomorrow

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