I have this weird theory or idea that handsome slim/fit guys would have a sexual relationship with a big girl but would not be in a committed relationship with one? Do any big girls think that? Is it just me? Lol has anyone in general had that thought before?

  1. Dang i felt this one rather hard 😂 I’ve always gotten more male attention when ive had more meat on me (been on both ends of the scale) especially when in skimpy outfits at clubs. Have asked male friends aswell and been told that they i look better now because not just physically though but because im actually happier and not obsessing over the way i look all the time

  2. depends more on the guy, and what he really likes cause that’s what he’s gonna end up with in the end.

    depends on the girl too she’s gotta be right for the relationship too.

  3. I have a theory that fit and skinny girls would never consider a big guy for anything neither sex nor commitment.

    At least you get the sex, eh? 😀

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