I’ve been told I’m picky.

  1. No, don’t waste your time or theirs. You’re entitled to be “picky” (having your physical preferences, etc.) and I think it’s unfair for you to even be considered picky

  2. I would say if you’ve met them in person and are not attracted to them then no, but if you’ve only seen pictures of them and are on the fence then it might be worth a shot. I think people can become more attractive based on how they carry themselves or their personality. However if it is an “absolutely not” even from just the pictures then it may not be worth yours or their time.

  3. There are a lot of elements to attraction, but if you’re not attracted to them at all, I don’t see why entertaining a possible relationship with them.

  4. Depends. I went thru some time where I went out on dates with different types of people who were against my usual type, it was helpful for me, and I learned a lot about myself, and what qualities I liked in people, and some that were deal breakers. It was interesting to see all the different personalities out there. I find dating to be more about growing as a person, and learning to trust my instincts. Ultimately I am now with someone I adore with all my heart, I have to say dating all different types of people allowed me to immediately see qualities I valued in my now boyfriend.

  5. I think you might be trying to simplify something to provide an easy-out-solution to a situation that is more complex.

    Of course your not going to date someone your not attracted to, as they are never considered, but if you have spent a lot of time with someone because you enjoy other qualities besides physical attraction and have led them to believe that you are noticing/entertaining their efforts for relationship. I think trying a date is appropriate, not because your doing it for them, but because you feelings are confused and the invested time from both people means enough to try if something works

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