I’ve had social anxiety my entire life and I haven’t gotten any better when it comes to socializing. Overtime the people I knew from school would go off and find new friends while I stayed by myself or hung out with 1 or two dudes during lunch time.

After I graduated high school I went to community college where I didn’t make any friends at all. Most of the people there were just getting ready to transfer and it didn’t feel like a place where people really bothered to socialize.

When I transferred to university I had tried joining a frat but gave up halfway thru the pledging process. The university I went to isn’t a big one and it’s mostly known as a commuter school so the social life is pretty dead. And then covid hit which only made things weird. I graduated a few months ago and now I feel Like I’m at a loss.

I am unsure of how to proceed with my life. I have no friends and the only person I speak to regularly is my mom. I spend nearly all my time at home with the only times I go out are when I get food or just walk my dog. It’s a boring life that I lead. I’ve never had a gf before and I don’t get any matches on dating apps either. I live a completely isolated life and it doesn’t seem it’ll change anytime soon.

Life just feels pointless my life has no meaning and I don’t see anything positive happening to me anytime soon.

  1. Might I recommend r/righttodie. It might seem paradoxical but it’s better for your mental health to be okay with wanting to die than to deny it.

    Also, good on you for taking care of your dog and graduating. I know school couldn’t have been easy.

    If you’re unsure of how to proceed with your life, I would recommend the book “The CBT Workbook for Mental Health: Evidence-Based Exercises to Transform Negative Thoughts and Manage Your Well-Being” by Simon Rego and Sarah Fader. There’re exercises that focus in on your key values, ie what you have to live for.

    Hope that helps.

  2. I grew up not being promised tomorrow, and now I savor every moment I have on this world. I would recommend getting into the habit of helping others, joy is one of those things that the more you share, the more you have.

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