Was thinking about it today. I think its been YEARS since I played. I asked my colleagues also and its the same for them. It feels like the game just disappeared from my mind

  1. Sorry I don’t know that app

    But seriously probably when I was about 14 or something, so about 15 years ago

  2. It’s a strange game. The only winning move is not to play. I’d rather have a nice game of chess…

  3. Oddly enough last night, but only because I was working through a coding challenge with my son.

  4. On the weekend, kids were playing it on a pizza menu and had forgotten how to force a stalemate.

  5. I play all the time with my 11 yo when we’re in a cafe or in a waiting room or sometimes watching TV. He’s recently been trying to teach it to his 4 yo sister, along with rock, paper, scissors.

    Fun-damental simple games you need in life! 😁

  6. Probably because it’s generally a shit game. Go in the middle on the first go and you can’t lose unless you miss a simple block.

    Connect 4 is obviously superior

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