what would you do if your girlfriend starts bringing home a lot of negative energy from her stressful job?

  1. Cook her dinner, give her a glass of wine, eat her out and then fuck her.

  2. Does she always do that? If she does it once in a while, I would try to make her feel comfortable but if it’s an everyday thing, it’s annoying.

  3. I’d recommend her to find a better job unless her life depends on the current job.

  4. Address it as soon as it becomes an issue. Hey I know you love your work but it is becoming too much for home.

  5. I would listen to her for a few weeks, if that does not help point out that maybe she is not cut out for the job and to try for another similar job at a different company or to grow the fuck up, put your big girl panties on and deal with it.

  6. Listen, don’t offer solutions. Hugs, care and kindness can do a lot to alleviate those stressful times.

  7. Depends… if she’s just being overly dramatic I would try to calm her down and try to help her relax, if that doesn’t work and she won’t chill out and is constantly being overly dramatic I will probably reconsider the value of the relationship… however if it’s actually that her job is bringing her down and is a bad environment (like tons of jobs out there) then I would let her vent and *maybe* suggest she looks for a new job.

  8. Listen but at the same time not, I don’t need the weight of other people’s negative shit

  9. Ask her what’s stressing her out. Then take a seat in a chair and listen intently with compassion and empathy.

  10. You should be asking her. Ask her what she needs or communicate about how her negative energy is affecting you. Ask her what you should do when she’s stressed. Set boundaries.

  11. find out what the issue is and see if whatever she’s whinging about is actually justified or a result of her being shit at her job and struggling to communicate effectively with colleagues.

  12. Tell her she needs to step down or learn how to manage it. And if she doesn’t I’d walk. I’ve already dealt with this before and I’m not doing it again

  13. Try to make her feel comfortable and relaxed. And also talk to her and say that negative things outside our relationship should not affect our relationship negatively.

  14. My last woman did this. High stress? Complains about it being high stress. Low stress? Complains she’s underappreciated. Reality was she just didn’t want to work. But then she was bored at home. I just came to terms with the fact that I was her venting target for a while.

  15. Listen to her and let her know that she can always resign for a better job if she is not enjoying it.

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