So recently I’ve been noticing cramp like ache in my lower abdomen which lasts for a couple hours after I masturbate. (Gone by next morning) An ache that feels very uncomfortable and a little painful but not like a dying pain.

I have been masturbating for a long time but something like this feels very new.

Nowadays, I feel very horny that I masturbate a lot… like I orgasm 2-3 times in one sitting or maybe even up to 4 and it’s only through clitoral masturbation and nothing else ( I don’t use any toys or finger) so by this way I notice the cramps coming within 5 minutes of finishing the deed.

But I’ve masturbated through other ways like the bidet (water pressure method) where I have one good release and it didn’t hurt afterwards.

I scared something might be wrong with me, every time is ache comes. When I googled about it, it said it could be due to pelvic floor dysfunction, vaginismus and so on.

I’m worried I might have a severe problem…

I’m saying this here because I can’t go and see a doctor because I live in a country where it’s very sinful and shameful act to do ( is excused only if one’s married) if I an unmarried teen went to a doctor regarding this I’d definitely be shamed to hell.

Please let me know if I can treat this or what’s wrong with me!

  1. It’s probably muscle cramps associated with multiple orgasms. It’s probably nothing to worry about. You should be able to ask your gyno about it. Everyone does it and it should be private.

  2. Are you in shape ? It could just be the muscles in your abdomen not used to getting worked as much, particularly if you’re dehydrated

  3. This used to happen to me quite a bit. Not sure exactly why. But as another comment mentioned, it doesn’t happen to me any more and I have been more mindful of drinking more water these days. You could mind your water consumption and try strengthening your pelvic floor muscles by doing Kegel exercises and see if that helps.

  4. Talk to your doctor/gynaecologist but leave out the orgasm and masturbating part. If asked, innocently tell the doc that it happens well after you have cleaned yourself with the bidet. Plausible deniability is handy for these sorts of taboo conversations.

    The pain may be a sign of an issue. It could also be something a little bit more common place like over stimulation, friction rash, or muscle cramps from the squeezing exercise. Google medical results can be be a little extreme at times. (Yes, a headache *could* be a symptom of brain cancer.)

    You could always try dialing back the number of orgasms you give yourself in a go. You may need a little more recovery time. Extra lubrication (spit) can help if you’re rubbing yourself raw. Kegel exercise may be helpful, too.

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