last month my(15x) kind-of-friend neighbor(15f) I’ve known for like three years moved out, and I finally ended a kind of toxic friendship with my ex-partner and now ex-friend(14x), which caused their friends, who some of them i kinda liked, to also leave me as well, (one of them even told me to go fuck myself.) so now I feel kind of iceolated.

I still have one close friend and family members, but I don’t hangout with as many people as I used to.

I want to make more friends, but I have a hard time doing that, as I’m homeschooled and don’t meet people my age very often. I was thinking about going into like a public discord server for that kind of thing, but all the ones I’ve checked out everyone seems to know each other or like, there’s a lot going on, and I’m just not really sure how to approach the situation.

I also feel totally weird and abnormal around other people.

like, I feel like people don’t really get the things I like, but maybe it’s because I like them too much; I tend to become completely obsessed with the things I’m into. I also can’t help but feel like I do everything wrong all the time; like: wrong interaction, wrong reaction, and that everything that comes out of my mouth is so cringe.

I’m also nb and my parents think that’s dumb, so them and dysphoria doesn’t help my selfisteam either.

any advice?

  1. Would having an online friend help? I’m your age, and I’ve been looking to make new friends as well

  2. I was homeschooled and what really helped me was going into sports as well as picking up a hobby. Sports helped me meet people and the hobby gave me something to talk about. Getting a job also really helped me get out there. You think you’re weird until you talk to a bunch of different people and realize everyone is weird which makes you pretty normal in the end!!

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