Once you get close, do you share your troubles and feelings with them?

  1. Do so if they allow you too. Can’t just come on and do so.. may come on too hard and too fast. Stay mysterious- to a fault. Selective honesty

  2. I bring up recent drama we talked about to show i actually value and listen to their thoughts. But after drama update, either more questions to get to know them by asking them deep questions about their interests or relationship dynamics. Or i ask really big questions about the universe and their beliefs.

  3. Yessss…
    I just opened my whole mind in front of my crush!!
    We are dating now…
    It’s going very well ..
    Now she knows me much better 🙂

  4. It depends on how attractive she finds you.

    I would say talk about your interests. If she’s bored by that, you don’t need her. If she’s bored by you, then you don’t need her.

  5. Lots of stuff. The important thing is making a connection with them, not just talking. You can talk your way right into the friendzone if you aren’t trying to connect with them.

  6. i talk to my partner about the books and movies i like. she has absolutely no interest in most of it but she still listens. that’s love right there.

  7. How about asking the girl out before you waste your time emotionally investing in her, and then maybe she rejects you, eh?

  8. I’ll talk about most anything that interests her as long as it’s not a one-sided conversation.

  9. I talk to my wife about cars, she listens and has even learned some basic things about them.

    I tell her my troubles, and she tells me hers

  10. Ask questions about them and be genuinely interested about what you ask. Of course don’t ask gross shit.

  11. Uh not my “troubles”. Single people don’t want to be burdened with your baggage. Start by getting to know someone on a surface level. As you build trust with that person you’ll both become more comfortable sharing your troubles with each other.

    Just ask questions to start.

  12. Talk about what she’s interested in, common ground is always good. Humour is always a good fall back, can’t do life without comedy, especially in this insane world we live

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