I work somewhere that doesn’t have a good place to refill water bottles so I have started bringing cases of water bottles to work.
I started by bringing the case in to my cubicle and pulling a few out to out in the fridge. Then it turned into coworkers asking if they could have a bottle and I always say yes because who would deny someone water?
Then it turned into the coworkers helping themselves even when I wasn’t there.
So to combat that, I left the case of water in the trunk of my car and would grab just a few to put in the fridge. Again, coworkers would ask and of course I will give them water, but then they again help themselves or just end up asking every day, and it’s getting kinda old that I’m buying water and letting others drink it because I’m not going to deny them. Then they don’t buy their own water.

The thing is, a good handful of the people I would with are still in their 20s and they are the only ones asking for the water. They also tend to over react to someone telling them things they don’t want to hear and ask like there is some horrible drama.

So like, how do I ask them to stop drinking all my water that I take yhe time to go but and bring, without making them think I’m throwing shade? Like I’m happy to let them drink the water if one day they forget a water bottle, but like they’re grown ups now, they need to stop relying on other people to take care of their basic needs.

  1. You say no politely and if they get mad then so be it. Youre not a charity. Dont be afraid to be assertive. Dont let people use you or they will just walk all over you.

  2. Yikes! That is so many water bottles! I know this is not r/Frugal, but you could buy a gallon jug of water and refill at home each morning before work.

    How supportive is your management team? Would they be willing to buy a water cooler for the office? Perhaps make the case that proper hydration increases productivity. Depending on the type of work you’re doing, lack of access to drinking water could be a health code or OSHA violation.

  3. Do you know what Nestlé does. Sells water. You should sell the water and make some money out of it. I know it’s hard to change what had already been happening. They probably think your the water person. A passive way to change their thinking is have a sign “$2 for water” and have this on your desk. Have a money box for people to put money in. No money, no water.

  4. Tell them that you enjoy providing but can’t keep covering the cost. Setup a pool (no pun intended) for people to contribute to.

  5. Tomorrow bring an obviously larger amount of water and place it next to you at your cubicle in a place where everyone can see. When any of the people who have been asking for water walk in, be the first one to speak. Say “hey Joe! You need a bottle of water bud? So many people were asking me for water, I decided to start selling it!”
    If he takes one, charge him for it.
    Don’t argue, don’t make it a big deal. Look like your doing everyone a favour, but obviously you can’t give Everyone free water can you?
    The trend will reverse very soon

  6. Something about plenty makes people want to take one. Bring in fewer, and stop giving them out. If you want to avoid drama give out one but say it’s the last one you can give out for free. You looked a how much you’re spending and it’s adding up.

  7. What if you only bring enough for you? No extra ones. If they ask for one, just say, sorry I don’t have any extra bottles today. They will soon learn to bring their own.

  8. Buy larger ones so that you only need one per day. Put it in the fridge with your name on it and refill a glass with it during the day.

    Ooorrrrr you could just politely say no.

  9. Get reusable stainless steel water bottles, they last. Tell them you’ve stopped using disposable water bottles to help the planet.

  10. Bring in a couple of large personal refillable water bottles and use those throughout the day. There’s no good way to guard your cases, or even your individual water bottles, inside the workplace or fridge without certain people feeling entitled. No matter what you say or how many signs you create.

    But people’s personal water bottles are ALWAYS off limits. And aside from that, it will also be CHEAPER to have a couple large water bottles that will keep your water cold all day, than it will be to buy cases of water.

    So it’s a win/win.

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