I saw this that and the other about not paying energy bills last month on social media, but I’ve seen nothing since.

Anyone actually do it or was it mostly a stunt?

  1. probably didnt do anything. They were justice warriors not activists. Justice warriors bitch about a problem. Activists try and solve the problem.

    but the statement addressed a fair few things which people were upset about

  2. These things are always stunts. The same people who chided you to stop buying lattes and avocado toast and take a third job so you can afford to rent a hovel turn into raving Trotskyites the moment they get a whiff of financial discomfort.

    Then the Government steps in and throws a token fob to them, and they go back to being good little oiks.

    In this day and age these kind of movements are always spearheaded by people who have precious little need for them, but expect and demand solidarity travels up to cushion and assuage their concerns. Always up. Funnily enough, it never comes back down the pipe.

    Another excellent example is the (eurgh) Enough is Enough Campaign.

  3. Did you see that storm area 51 thing a while ago? Same thing.

    People will sa online they’ll notify their bills but they will.

  4. They got a cease and desist letter from ‘Can’t pay, we’ll take it away.’ They’d fight Ofgem but not Ofcom.

  5. This kind of thing was big in the poll tax era in the eighties, I did my best to resist the thatcher twat machine but they wore me down with the threats of prison I had a couple of kids under three it took me a long time to get back on my feet and I was in full time work and a telephone engineer “not bt” be careful not to jump into debt this bunch of cunts will make sure you pay.always remember nobody gives a flying fuck about you problems

  6. The whole thing was suspicious. It was a well funded and organised campaign with shady sources. Usually these things evolve out of an existing group. Don’t Pay UK appeared from nowhere.

  7. Come on it was some students pet project and was never going to work to start with. Ill conceived garbage from the start.

  8. There was a protest in my home city about it. I got downvoted to hell for saying it pointless and futile.

    Turns out it was a massive waste of time and only served to inconvenience some hard working families going about daily life.

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