Being ordered by my government to discuss and decide with 11 completely random strangers whether someone should be convicted for murder or not sounds so surreal to me.

  1. >Being ordered by my government to discuss and decide with 11 completely random strangers whether someone should be convicted for murder or not sounds so surreal to me.

    That’s super.

  2. This American thinks they’re BS but most Americans cherish them as an honored part of our justice system.

  3. I’ve served on a jury trial for murder. It was kinda surreal in that it was my first time doing jury duty, as well. Wasn’t anything like how it’s depicted in movies either. How do I feel about it? I think having your peers sit in judgement of you is a bedrock of Americas ‘s legal system.

  4. I’d much rather that than a government employee making decisions while thinking about how to keep/advance their carreers based on the pressures of the current politicians in charge.

  5. Most cases end through plea deals, and therefore don’t go to trial. Defendants can also opt for a bench trial, where the judge decides their guilt. So while most of us have received multiple jury summons in our lives, very few will actually have to serve on a jury. I’ve never known anyone who actually served on a jury for a murder trial (or any jury for that matter). I’ve personally received 3 jury summonses in my life and all 3 times I was excused because the trial didn’t proceed.

  6. I was on a jury for a murder trial a couple years ago. We all took our duty very seriously.

    I’d much rather have a jury of my peers make that decision instead of one single person.

  7. I’ve been called up once and got out of it for medical reason so I’ve never gotten to experience it. My gf worked in a courthouse and overheard some of the deliberations and what she told me doesn’t give me a lot of confidence in juries. The same goes for judges, police, and the system in general from her experiences.

  8. I’ve been selected before, it sucked. They should make jury duty a job for people who actually ***want*** to go.

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