Just asked someone out and she declined. I was doing great until now, it hit me harder than expected. The feeling of being lonely. But I guess you just keep going, as always. Just wish it was easier.

  1. 21F here. Women reject men all the time and we immediately forget that guy. Like we aren’t going to remember it so don’t feel embarrassed. Women in the generation for the most part have been brainwashed and believe that they are 10/10 and thwy are the prize. When in reality men are the prize. There will be a woman out there for you. You just don’t want one that has obscene expectations. All you can do it work on yourself. The wealthiest and most attractive men get rejected too.
    Also when i say women are stupid i don’t mean all. I just mean a lot. Heck i used to be so dumb. Im slowly reversing the brainwashing.
    Women care about a few things how you dress, how much money you save and your masculinity.
    Dress well- The moss attractive shirt a man can wear is a white long sleeve button up. (Sleeves pushed up)
    Money- have a stable career, if you make above 50k a year you are good.
    Masculinity- don’t let a woman walk over you, it might seem like we might want that. But we really don’t. Its “Be the man” not “Be the woman”
    Anyway this is just general advice. Hope it helps

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