I have an above average length and girth on my penis, but I am uncut and this has been my biggest insecurity about it.

I have had multiple sexual partners but i’ve never gotten any sort of oral in my life. I have only given to girls.

I have a girlfriend now. We have had sex multiple times. At the beginning she said she never really liked giving head (which was fine with me). Recently she said she wants to try it. I said I would be down to try, and I am, its just that I am still kind of insecure about not being cut.

How do I get over this?

  1. I would share your insecurities with your partner, I feel like they would be best at easing/reassuring you.

  2. Oh, don’t worry about not being cut at all. It is not a big deal. I had a boyfriend who was uncut and we used to have amazing sex! I was giving him blowjobs all the time. It was totally fine. You shouldn’t feel insecure at all.

  3. It’s just a cultural thing. Up here in Canada more guys are uncut than cut. Nothing to be embarrassed about and for the few who would have a negative reaction it’s just ignorance.

    Besides, uncut has more stuff for the girls to play with.

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